• Please Read The Following Terms and Conditions.

  • Disclosure
    "Participants should be aware of safety concerns Authorization can only be
    granted by the Program Director."Board of Health Requirements" 430.190: General Program Requirements "This camp must comply with regulations of Massachusetts
    Department of Public Health and be licensed by the local board of health."
    Mass Young Gunners shall inform parents that they have the right to request copies of
    background checks, health care, and discipline policies as well as procedures for filing grievances.

    Clinic Waiver Agreement
    Camp / Clinic Waiver We/I hereby request your acceptance of this application, we/I hereby agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless (Mass Young Gunners), its agents, employees, representatives or assigns, including directors, the coaching and training staff and camp employees, from all claims resulting from any injury sustained by my child while traveling and participating in the camp. We/I further hereby give permission to the coaches, training staff, or other medical professionals to provide medical care as deemed necessary to my child in case of injury or illness.

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